Blog post #2

For my paper, I want to focus on how commuting affects a student’s social life, academically, and mentally. Therefore, I will demonstrate the pros and cons of commuting while identifying what are the factors that lead students to commute. These are some of the sources that I will be using;

Source 1 will be based on the student’s economic status and how many times their financial situation will determine whether they will live on campus or commute.

Source 2 will mention the challenges that commuter students face during the years.

Source 3 compares and identifies the differences and most importantly the EFFECTS in those students that are commuting and those living on campus.

Source 4 will demonstrate The impact of students' living situations while they are attending a university

I will begin my research with these sources and will later on decide if more sources are necessary. I feel like it is a strong topic and many of these sources come from students who have experienced commuting. Therefore, the information will be accurate and will come from those who lived it instead of being hypothesis or thoughts.


  1. One of your links did not work so well, but some look very helpful. Source 2 especially points to some good academic sources, many of which seem inspired by Vincent Tinto's work. Tinto was the first to recognize that academic engagement is tied to social integration and engagement, so that the main cause of leaving college is not poor academic preparation but poor social integration. Commuters are at real danger of not feeling like they belong at college, and that is definitely worth thinking about.


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