Research Proposal Blog #4
Elizabeth Bedoya October 17, 2017 College 201 Profesor Goeller Research Proposal Working title: How Commuting to Campus Increases Social and Academic Disengagement." Topic: The topic of my paper will be how commuting affects a student’s social life, academic success and mental health. Commuting to school has different consequences on students when compared to those living on campus. Most commuter students are less affluent than those who are able to afford living on campus. Which means that most of the time the commuting students will have other responsibilities besides school. Many have a full time or part time jobs, duties and responsibilities at home, and bills to pay including their tuition bill every semester. Therefore, I will demonstrate the pros and cons of commuting while identifying what are the factors that lead students to commute. I want to explore what are the consequences of not being able to live on campus for the four years of college and how th...